'JOIN MY EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY https://www.brixfitnessinsiders.com All you need is a 5x5 space and about 15-20 minutes 3-4 days a week to get a routine going that will change your body. Here’s why it WILL work. SIMPLICITY - Our brains really don’t like options as much as we think we do. The simpler it is the easier it is to make it a habit. CONSISTENCY - Is the key component of success in fitness. Once we use simplicity to make it a habit, consistency becomes easy. MEASURABILITY - Behaviors that reward us in some way are ones that are easiest to make habits. One of the biggest rewards that our brains like is progress! Realizing that were getting better at something causes all sorts of chemical goodness to happen in our brains . If we measure what were doing, we’ll be able to see when were getting stronger and better and that helps us stick to it. Set yourself up for multiple small wins. These small wins are powerful. They will create momentum HOW TO CREATE YOUR ROUTINE Choose one exercise from each of the 4 categories listed below. UPPER BODY LOWER BODY CORE PLYOMETRIC Depending on your current level of fitness perform the suggested number of repetitions of each exercise Perform each exercise consecutively with little to no rest in between each exercise (the order you perform the exercises in is up to you) Once you perform all 4 exercises, rest for 30-90 seconds and repeat the cycle of exercises 4-6 times 3-4 days a week with supplemental 1-3 cardio 15-30 minute cardio sessions per week, will be more than enough to get you going towards crushing your fitness goals! LOWER BODY SQUAT 10-20 reps LUNGE 10-20 reps (each side counts as 1 rep) STEP UP 12-20 reps (each side counts as 1 rep) WALL SIT 15-30 secs UPPER BODY PUSH UPS 5-15 reps DIPS 5-15 reps SHOULDER TAP TO T 6-12 reps (each side counts as 1 rep) PLANK UPS 5-10 reps Core PLANK 20-60 secs SUPERMAN 10-20 reps DEADBUG 12-20 reps (each side counts as 1 rep) BIRD DOG 12-20 reps (each side counts as 1 rep) Plyo RUNNING IN PLACE 45-90 secs High knees 30-60 secs Star jumps 5-15 reps http://brixfitness.com/shop/12-week-simple-transformation-jumpstart-program-complete/ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST!! (Links Below) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-get-well-get-money-podcast/id1381777751 https://brixfitness.com/getwellgetmoney/ SUBSCRIBE TO THE GET WELL GET MONEY PODCAST ON YOUTUBEhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGiRXyWWStN7ivYqZ-hgfrA Download my free ebook “The Weight Loss Mindset” http://brixfitness.com/the-weight-loss-mindset/ Support the channel by becoming a patron https://www.patreon.com/brixfitness Click here for Online coaching http://www.brixfitness.com/online-coaching/ Click here for your customized meal plan http://www.brixfitness.com/meal-plan/ Click here to purchase new Brix Fitness logo Tee shirt! http://brixfitness.com/shop/brix-fitness-small-who-logo-short-sleeve/ Outro by @cnmonewayfilm ******All information shared in this video is merely the opinion of Robert Glover. Use this information at your own risk******'
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